Live in the Now

If Christ died so that we can have this abundant life, why live less than, why be fearful and in doubt about tomorrow. A couple weeks ago, on my way to work, my prayer was, "lord what's next for me". I am obsessed with knowing what's next because I would like to be prepared for... Continue Reading →

The battle for my praise

When news came that my cousin died the thoughts came rushing in; Why God? Why didn't you heal him and answer our constant prayers? How can I declare with faith and boldness that you are the never failing God? How can I declare that you are a healer if you didn't heal him?A country was... Continue Reading →

Love God, love self then Others

The word of God has thought us to be selfless and humble in so many ways, but in order to be selfless and humble we must draw these characteristics from the life of Christ and apply to ourselves before we can demonstrate to others. Outside of our relationship with God, the most important relationship we... Continue Reading →

Love wants to be near

We have all heard and know that God is love, but really what does that mean to us? Let's take a moment to think about this... God is love, but what does love require of me? God (love) requires relationship and intimate fellowship with each of us. Love want to be close! If you love someone wouldn't... Continue Reading →

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